Founding members of Local Common Wealth, from left to right David Patrick, Tom Claypool, Jade Moellendorf, Keith Kelsch, Wendy Bulkley, Malissa Kelsch, Robin Sanderson, Orion Stout, J.R. Martin, and Richard Harder no pictured
After more than a year of weekly meetings, regular people in the community surfaced a new vision using research, history, and hope for the future. Eventually a summit event welcomed local businesses and community leaders, and then the first Local Common Wealth chapter, The Dixie Business Outreach.
Imagine the following:
Imagine an organization that does not allow members to pitch their own business, but requires each member to pitch each other’s business?
Imagine a local organization that does not have any administrative costs?
Imagine an organization that saves all its fees to build wealth in common?
Imagine an organization that becomes more valuable every year?
Imagine an organization that has absolutely no power struggle for control?
Imagine being a member of the most influential organization in your community?
Imagine having an equality of voice and vote like never experienced?
Our Core Belief:
Born free and good, we choose a rising hope that lifts all hearts.
What Drives Us
“We know from experience that what we do together is more powerful than what we do alone.” Tom Claypool